Bullying/HR Issues

Pace Henley Investigation Services specialises in providing professional workplace investigations in Perth and throughout Western Australia.
As an employer, you owe a duty of care to all employees. You must at all times provide a safe workplace free of:
- Harassment
- Bullying
- Victimisation
- Discrimination
- Serious Misconduct
The above issues pose significant risks to your business and none should be tolerated. Severe penalties exist for persons found guilty of (or employers who tolerate) such behaviour.
Pace Henley provides independent comprehensive investigations, which are time efficient, targeted, and cost effective. We guarantee strict confidentiality and privacy.
Our specialist private investigators are ethical, objective and are experts in:
- Interviewing
- Statement Taking
- Obtaining Documentary Evidence
- Situational Analysis
- Problem Solving
- Risk Management
Pace Henley will expedite all processes and resolve matters in a very timely manner. At the completion of our investigation you will be provided with a comprehensive easy to read Report.
Pace Henley guarantees strict confidentiality and privacy.